This fortieth, final and penultimate issue is printed on white paper and is 48 pages in length. It announces the end of the publication and thanks all the contributors (and regular subscribers) who made it a reality. The Movies Worth Rediscovering section chronicles my fifteen favorite movies of all time. Twenty-nine recent release reviews are accompanied by my annual “event” movie recap, my choices of the best of the year for 2008 and the anointing of Marisa Tomei as the Sexiest Woman in Cinema for that year. The Soundtrack Sector announces my ten favorite film soundtracks of all time. I have included an Academy Award Scorecard, which shows just how effective (and ineffective) my predictions over the past decade have been. A third film (One Little Indian) is spotlighted because it belongs with two others in an article about the U.S. Camel Corps (Volume 10 Issue 2). Five pages of DVD recommendations are followed by an article about movie stars’ finest career farewells (i.e., John Wayne in The Shootist), a description of my most important list (the fact that I have logged all my movie-watching since 1979) and my final Bizarre Movie Zone, in which I describe the worst movies I have ever witnessed. This is, indeed, the End of the Line.
While copies remain, this issue sells for $10 postpaid, which includes shipping to destinations in the United States and Canada.