I have to admit that I was surprised by the content of this new movie written and directed by lead actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Ostensibly it is a romantic comedy with strong sexual content; in reality (in my opinion, of course) it is an exploration of how modern relationships are affected by the constant bombardment of sexual imagery that hammers us from seemingly everywhere. Gordon-Levitt, in character, frankly discusses how such imagery affects him and his relationships, and how he has come to rely on porn more than real women for comfort and release.
All of this is put to the test when he meets a Jersey girl (Scarlett Johansson) who finally starts him thinking like an adult. She is all that he could ever ask for in a girl, and yet the relationship is still hollow enough that he again seeks fulfillment through his computer. That’s when he meets a flaky older woman (Julianne Moore) who seems to understand him in ways he doesn’t expect. The result is that Gordon-Levitt ultimately does grow up because of his experiences with both women.
This is an odd coming-of-age tale, primarily because one would think Gordon-Levitt and his twenty-something buddies would have done so already. Yet one of the film’s points is that porn and even more PG-rated sexual imagery are keeping young men and women from maturing properly. It takes a personal touch and experience to mature, and it takes contact that is deeper than just sex. I was surprised that this actor chose this material with which to make his directorial debut, yet he handles it with aplomb and taste. The film is crude and raunchy at times, yet it is serious with regard to raw material that most filmmakers would never approach. In its own way it is a very brave movie.
Don Jon is one of those films that will probably defy expectations. Its preview only hints at what it is really about, and I think many conservative people will be put off by its graphic language and sexual nature. That doesn’t lessen its impact; actually, because it is different it should coax stronger reactions from viewers. I think it is pretty good, all things considered. ☆ ☆ ☆. 8 November 2013.