Stop-motion animation has been around since the silents of the 1920s, made famous by practitioners such as Willis O’Brien, Ray Harryhausen, Will Vinton and Nick Park. Park works for Aardman Animation, the company that produced Chicken Run and the Wallace and Gromit adventures. Now Park has produced Shaun the Sheep Movie, featuring Shaun, the youngest (and smartest) sheep in a small flock at the Mossy Bottom Farm, who has been around quite a long time, appearing in short films, other feature films and at least one British television series.
Wanting a day off from the normal farm routine, Shaun and his friends contrive for the Farmer to sleep so they can play. But things go awry, the Farmer ends up in the Big City and soon the farm animals are hungry and lonesome. A rescue mission is begun, and the sheep soon learn that there is no place like home.
This is an adorable adventure that everyone can enjoy. There is almost no dialogue but intent and meaning is conveyed through sound effects and meaningful mutterings. Characters are beautifully rendered and very endearing, including the Farmer, whose talent for shearing comes in very handy in the Big City. Most importantly, the humor is well developed and striking, developed through character and situation. The film is directed by Mark Burton and Richard Starzak. People of all ages will enjoy this merry adventure, and are encouraged to search out the other fun Aardman Animation shorts and features. ☆ ☆ ☆. 13 August 2015.