As there seems to be a demand for information and caustic commentary regarding movies which are so strange that they somehow attain a certain level of grandeur, I will employ this ongoing feature to present a selection of the odd, […]
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BMZ: Third Entry (7:1)
As there seems to be a demand for information and caustic commentary regarding movies which are so bad that they somehow attain a certain level of grandeur, I will employ this ongoing feature to present some of the dopiest and […]
Continue reading »BMZ: Second Entry (6:4)
As there seems to be a demand for information and caustic commentary regarding movies which are so bad that they somehow attain a certain level of grandeur, I will employ this ongoing feature to present some of the dopiest and […]
Continue reading »BMZ: First Entry (6:2)
As there seems to be a demand for information and caustic commentary regarding movies which are so bad that they somehow attain a certain level of grandeur, I will employ this ongoing feature to present some of the dopiest and […]
Continue reading »BMZ Origin: The Joys of Really, Really, Really Bad Movies (5:2)
(The Bizarre Movie Zone had its origin in this one-page article I wrote back in 2003.) I have made a point in Filmbobbery to promote good films often and whenever possible. The whole idea behind this newsletter is to celebrate movies […]
Continue reading »Sarah’s Key (2011) ✰ ✰ ✰ ½
A journalist in France (Kristin Scott-Thomas) in a rocky marriage becomes obsessed with the fate of a child whose family was arrested, along with thousands of others, during the Vel’ d’Hiv roundup of 1942. What the journalist doesn’t realize is […]
Continue reading »Shark Night 3-D (2011) ✰ ✰
Although Jaws made me afraid to go in any body of water larger than a bathtub, I’ve always loved shark movies, despite so many of them being, well, awful. Shark Night 3-D had possibilities, even beginning with an attack reminiscent of Chrissie’s […]
Continue reading »The Debt (2011) ✰ ✰ 1/2
The philosophical mystery thriller The Debt questions whether the quest for truth should trump a nasty situation in which an expedient lie provided easy answers for the world but left lasting psychological repercussions for three people bound together by their actions. […]
Continue reading »Contagion (2011) ✰ ✰ 1/2
Contagion is the latest medical pandemic thriller from Hollywood, following in the tradition of Panic in the Streets (1950) and Outbreak (1995). The deja vu factor of Contagion is that it reminded me of the all-star disaster flicks of the 1970s. Then, we were wondering who […]
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