Allegedly based on real events, this comedy-action-horror movie is a broad fictionalization of what actually transpired in rural Georgia back in 1985. Reflecting the tenor of our times the filmmakers have turned an almost meaningless footnote of history into a […]
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The Swearing Jar (2022) ☆ ☆ ☆
I recorded this Canadian film on my DVR and kept it there for about a year, totally expecting a comedy about a couple trying to control their cussedness before welcoming a new baby (they can hear in the womb, you […]
Continue reading »Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021) ☆ ☆
For the sake of completeness I finally capitulated and sat through Space Jam: A New Legacy, the sequel to Space Jam (1996), a film I saw once, and once was enough. Now I can say the same for this unnecessary follow-up. Malcolm […]
Continue reading »Surrounded (2023) ☆ ☆ 1/2
The genre of Westerns has been around for more than a century; I have seen estimates than more than half of all American movies ever made have been westerns. I have doubts about that, but the genre has been popular […]
Continue reading »Alternative Horror (1999 version)
This is an article I wrote for the second issue of Filmbobbery (1:2; Autumn 1999), in which I offered twenty-five cinematic alternatives to the more popular vampire, werewolf, zombie, alien, serial killer, demonic and slasher films so often associated with […]
Continue reading »The Wild Robot (2024) ☆ ☆ ☆ 1/2
I’m a sucker for robot movies, from Metropolis and Tobor the Great through Ex Machina and now The Wild Robot. This new animated robot movie is reminiscent of The Iron Giant and Wall-E (and even Cast Away) in many ways, but all its own when all […]
Continue reading »What Happens Later (2023) ☆ ☆ 1/2
Two-character dramatic pieces are relatively rare for movies; even rarer are those involving couples. For every male-centric drama such as Sleuth or Gerry or Hell in the Pacific or My Dinner with Andre there are a lesser number of male-female combinations like Heaven […]
Continue reading »The Curse of Bridge Hollow (2022) ☆ ☆ 1/2
‘Tis the season for scary stuff, but some fright flicks are more family-oriented than others. This one is definitely family friendly, yet it has some very effective moments of horror and especially character design. I stumbled across this movie on […]
Continue reading »Transformers One (2024) ☆ ☆ ☆
As earlier reviews certainly indicate I have never been much of a fan for the Transformers. It remains astounding to me that several live action films from Michael Bay and others about the Hasbro toys come to life have been […]
Continue reading »Megalopolis (2024) ☆ ☆
Some films become legendary not because of their great quality but due to the incredible difficulties overcome in their making. Waterworld, for instance, is better known for being supremely expensive due to disruptions by two hurricanes and disagreements between its […]
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